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This CV focuses on my academic journey, for more information on my work in science communication, please see the Outreach page.


My current research largely focusses on understanding conditions associated with frontotemporal degeneration, with a particular focus on exploring the neural underpinnings of apathy using multi-modal imaging and Bayesian modelling.



PhD Medical Sciences at MRC Cognition & Brain Sciences Unit, University of Cambridge

I am currently being supervised by Professor James Rowe with a focus on exploring the neural underpinnings of apathy in conditions associated with frontotemporal degeneration. I am using MEG and MRI imaging with a combination of Bayesian frameworks and computational modelling to identify potential mechanisms for disease-modifying treatments. For more on my recent publications, please see the publications page or visit my ORCid.


MSc (Merit) in Clinical and Therapeutic Neuroscience,  University of Oxford

I conducted two 3-month research projects as part of this course. The first involved working with the newly established Oxford Brain and Health centre on a structured review comparing demographics across established dementia cohorts. The second centred on analysing preliminary MRI data from the Oxford Parkinson’s disease cohort.


BA Hons (Congratulatory First Class) Experimental Psychology, University of Oxford

Third-year taught options focussed on neurocognitive underpinnings of neurodegenerative and neurodevelopmental conditions, as well as perceptual research.



Commended in MRC Max Perutz Science Writing Competition

I was shortlisted and later received the commended prize in this competition for my essay explaining the motivation behind my apathy research. This essay can now be found on the Max Perutz science writing page and on the Dementia Researcher website here:


Basil Howard & Cambridge Trust Studentship

I was awarded full funding for the completion of my PhD by the Cambridge Trust and Sidney Sussex College.


Finalist’s Scholarship

Given in recognition of my achievements over the course of my undergraduate degree, specifically for the First Class I obtained over my final year


Oral Presentations

November 2022

It’s not what you say, it’s how you say it: the impact of FTLD on visual analogue scales - International Conference of Frontotemporal Dementia

I was recognised as one of the favourite talks of the conference by the ICFTD early-mid career researcher commitee.


March 2023

Development of disease-appropriate scale for apathy and
impulsivity in frontotemporal lobar degeneration syndromes - Alzheimer's Research UK Conference

& Expertise

Academic Presenting

  • Experience presenting at national and international conferences

  • Experience presenting to lay audiences both online and in person on a range of scientific concepts, including dementia and scientific careers as part of science communication

Data Collection

  • Experience with participant recruitment and data collection, including the use of behavioural paradigms, eye tracking and neuroimaging (MEG and MRI)

  • Trained to administer/ score a range of psychometric tests, including the ACE-R

Statistical Analysis

  • Familiar with both Frequentist and Bayesian approaches, including Bayesian modelling

  • Proficient with SPSS, JASP, MATLAB, R (including STAN), and Excel

  • Proficient with SPM and FSL for image processing of MEG and MRI data

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